CITY Furniture | 2040 Green Promise
We are working to go carbon neutral by the year 2040

2040 Green Promise

We are working to go carbon neutral by the year 2040

Our goal is to offset our carbon footprint by making the right choices today. It’s a three-part journey that involves our green delivery fleet, smart facilities, and large-scale recycling efforts. Because no home is more important than our planet.

Energy Efficiency

20% Reduction of Carbon Emissions

Smart Facilities Sustainable design extends to our buildings, with ten LEED-certified showrooms and counting, which stands for Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, and 12 Energy Star certified showrooms.


Top Fleet in America For a Decade

Our delivery and semi-trucks are powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), with an ongoing transition to Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) to reduce methane emissions by repurposing them into clean, green energy. We’re also investing in electric alternatives, including the pre-order of Tesla semi-trucks.


Minimizing Landfill Waste

 Our warehouse recycling centers are designed to repurpose nearly all materials that enter our doors. This spares landfills from excess packaging waste like cardboard, Styrofoam, and plastic. Recycling is also a priority in our showrooms and corporate offices, making sustainability a company-wide practice.


Showrooms & Facilities

10 LEED-certified

What We're Doing Now
Good design isn’t just for our furniture. We have ten LEED-certified showrooms, which stands for Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design. Using building control systems, we’ve actually reduced our total electric use while adding more showroom space.
Where We're Going
By 2040, our plan is to run nearly all showrooms on renewable energy, which will offset our electric use and help achieve our goal of carbon neutrality.
"We are doing so many great things. And we have lots of ways we want to get even better, but I’m proud to say that City Furniture is already way ahead of the curve."
- Ian Peshel, Managing Director of Facilities


Forward Driving

What We're Doing Now
We make thousands of deliveries every year, so every mile we drive matters. To reduce our impact, we converted our entire delivery truck fleet to run on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Over 50% of our delivery trucks utilize Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) as the primary fuel source, and we are continuing our transition to RNG this year.
Where We're Going
Clean skies are ahead. By 2040, our delivery fleet will be carbon neutral, running on natural gas and electric trucks powered by renewable energy. We’ll also use Tesla semi-trucks to transport our shipments to each warehouse.
Over 60% of our delivery trucks
In 2024, proudly took delivery of 59 brand-new, 100% compressed natural gas (CNG) Peterbilt trucks, making Tamarac’s delivery fleet fully powered by clean energy. Our CNG usage in 2024 jumped to 89.60%, a remarkable 19.71% increase from 2023. This milestone reflects our strong commitment to sustainable operations.
#1 in CNG
#1 in CNG
Largest fleet in our industry to run on compressed natural gas (CNG).
Less Emissions
Less Emissions
Equivalent of taking 182 passenger cars off the road every year.
5 Teslas
5 Teslas
We have five electric Tesla semi-trucks and one electric yard spotter special ordered.
"When it comes to being 'green' we can't just talk about it. We have to be about it. We have to take action."
- David Clevenger, Managing Director of Fleet and DC Maintenance


Over 7.5 million pounds

What We’re Doing Now
It’s always been our mission to make the world a better place. So, we built a state-of-the-art recycling center in our warehouse to recycle almost everything that comes through the doors. That equals over 8 million pounds of waste kept out of landfills every year.
Where We’re Going
And as we move towards 2040, we’re looking to close that gap to 100%. We’re also making big operational changes, which includes switching to electric equipment, adding solar charging stations, and replacing acid batteries with eco-friendly lithium ion batteries.
7.5 million
 pounds of cardboard are sent to a local paper recycling mill.
pounds of plastic are recycled and repurposed into goods.
of our showrooms have mixed-use recycling dumpsters.
30 Million
We have spared over 30 million pounds of furniture from landfills over the last decade through our donations to Habitat for Humanity.
“As a family-owned company, we need to treat Mother Nature like family too. That means protecting the planet at every possible level.”
- Will Conway, Sr. Vice President Operations



We have enrolled in 4,766kW of solar energy production. Each year, one third of all of our power consumption for CITY's facilities is now provided from zero carbon solar energy. This has reduced our carbon emissions by over 20%.


Through the FPL Solar Together Program, we have signed up for a total of 4,766kW of solar energy production. Each year, one third of all of our power consuption for CITY's facilities is now provided from zero carbon solar energy.


Awards & Recognitions

Ocoee Showroom Warehouse
Energy efficiency award 2019

To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of ENERGY STAR, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is offering special, recognition to any organization that earns EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification for five or more buildings in 2022. This year, we earned ENERGY STAR certification for 14 buildings, making us an official member of Certification Nation and the largest single holder of ENERGY STAR buildings in South Florida. To earn the ENERGY STAR, a commercial building or industrial plant must be independently verified to operate more efficiently than 75% of similar properties nationwide.

NAFA Green Fleet Award
 CITY was the proud recipient of NAFA’s 2021 Green Fleet Award as #1 in the country. 2024 marks the 10th straight year

Clean Cities Coalition Awards
Part of the U.S. Department of Energy, the Clean Cities Coalition works to reduce the nation’s dependence on imported oil. In 2014, City Furniture was honored for laying the groundwork through our American-produced compressed natural gas.

Sustainable Wood Furnishings Council
We have been a Top Scorer since 2020 on the Wood Furniture Scorecard. Released by the Sustainable Furnishings Council in partnership with the National Wildlife Federation, the award is nod to our responsible wood sourcing.

Industry Partnerships

Logo for Angi


Logo for Clean Cities

Clean Cities

Logo for Duke Energy

Duke Energy

Logo for Eagle


Logo for ELS


Logo for Energy Control Consultants

Energy Control Consultants

Logo for FPL


Logo for Genesis


Logo for International Baler Corp

International Baler Corp

Logo for Clean Fuel Technologies

Clean Fuel Technologies

Logo for Recycle Tech

Recycle Tech

Logo for RockTenn


Logo for Rush Truck Centers

Rush Truck Centers

Logo for Sunrise


Logo for Tamarac


Logo for Tesla


Logo for Trane


Logo for TruStar


Logo for WestRock
