City Cares - Community and Sustainability Initiatives | CITY Furniture

Bringing our purpose to life


We strive to make the world a better place by acting on behalf of our community, our planet, and our associates.
5% Giving Pledge

5% Giving Pledge

We’re making your purchase matter by giving back at least 5% of annual profits.
2040 Green Promise

2040 Green Promise

That’s our journey to go carbon neutral by the year 2040 using a three-part plan.
Local Partnerships

Local Partnerships

We’re teaming up to strengthen our impact and increase our community efforts.

#CITYCares Causes

We’re proud to share some of our recent efforts.
You Dream. Together We Give.

You Dream. Together We Give.

Get a $10 gift card when you test a mattress, and we’ll give $10 to a partner cause through CITY’s 5% Giving Pledge.
We've impacted over one million lives right here in the communities we serve. By partnering with local charities and affiliates, we can continue supporting and strengthening our neighbors to live better and dream bigger.
Honoring Our Heroes

Honoring Our Heroes

Join us in celebrating the veterans and service members in our community. Together, with our sports partners, we’ve recognized over 500 heroes in the last five years. Nominate a veteran or service member to be celebrated and awarded a gift card, on the field or on the ice, during a sporting event.
Logo for American Heart Association

American Heart Association

Logo for American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society

Logo for Joe DiMaggio Children's Health Specialty Center

Joe DiMaggio Children's Health Specialty Center

Logo for Covenant House Florida

Covenant House Florida

Logo for Better Together

Better Together

Logo for Prospera


Logo for Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement

Logo for Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization

Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization

Logo for Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity

Logo for Mobile School Pantry

Mobile School Pantry

Logo for Jack & Jill Children's Center

Jack & Jill Children's Center

Logo for Boys & Girls Clubs

Boys & Girls Clubs

Logo for Strengthen Orlando

Strengthen Orlando

Logo for Museum of Discovery & Science

Museum of Discovery & Science

Logo for The YMCA


Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Thank you for an incredible year. Take a look at our progress, from CITY's 5% Giving Pledge to our 2040 Green Promise.
Historical Giving

5% Giving Pledge

Historical Giving

In a challenging year, we recorded our biggest donation numbers.
Green Certifications

2040 Green Promise

Green Certifications

We added 3 more energy-certified facilities to help go carbon neutral.
Women in Leadership

Career Advancement

Women in Leadership

We celebrated a big increase of women in senior leadership roles.
Safer Workplace


Safer Workplace

Our injury frequency rate is down nearly 10% as a company.

Our Partners

Logo for American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society

Logo for American Heart Association

American Heart Association

Logo for Arc Broward

Arc Broward

Logo for Camillus House

Camillus House

Logo for Covenant House Florida

Covenant House Florida

Logo for Delivering Hope

Delivering Hope

Logo for Duke Energy

Duke Energy

Logo for Environmental Lighting Service

Environmental Lighting Service

Logo for Energy Control Consultants, Inc.

Energy Control Consultants, Inc.

Logo for Florida Power & Light

Florida Power & Light

Logo for Genesis Lighting

Genesis Lighting

Logo for Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity

Logo for Holy Cross Hospital

Holy Cross Hospital

Logo for Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement

Logo for Museum of Discovery & Science

Museum of Discovery & Science

Logo for onePULSE Foundation

onePULSE Foundation

Logo for RecycleTech


Logo for RockTenn


Logo for TESLA


Logo for TRANE


Logo for TruStar energy

TruStar energy

Logo for Urban League of Broward County

Urban League of Broward County

We consider ourselves lucky to have grown our family business throughout Florida since the 1970s. We started with the goal of making the world a better place, and today that goal has never been stronger. It’s more than just selling furniture—it’s about making positive change, exceeding your expectations, and keeping ourselves accountable through our core values. CITY Cares is the arm of the CITY Furniture brand that focuses on ethical responsibility and all the good things we do for our community and the world. The CITY Furniture mission is to provide quality home furnishings, at excellent values, in an exciting and fun environment. CITY Furniture values are entrepreneurial spirit, family spirit, mutual trust and respect, teamwork, customer focus, continuous improvement, and giving back. The CITY Cares umbrella focuses on our 2040 Green Promise, our Giving Pledge, our corporate social responsibility, our partnerships, and diversity and inclusion. Our 2040 Green Promise is a vow we made to become carbon neutral through our green delivery fleet, smart facilities, and large-scale recycling by the year 2040. We made this promise because we believe our home is most important, and we want to do our part in caring for our shared home: our planet. 
CITY’s 5% Giving Pledge is the name we’ve assigned to our commitment to give back a minimum of 5% of our annual profits. The five pillars of our giving pledge include service, home, health, education, and diversity We embed our corporate social responsibility throughout our company and primary areas of focus. Our CSR strategy is our guide to leveraging our competitive advantage to provide value for the people, communities, and planet that we serve. We partnered with many community organizations and other companies to help us achieve some of our goals. This includes, but is not limited to, the American Heart Association, FPL, and Holy Cross Hospital. A diverse and inclusive workplace is an integral part of our culture. Different backgrounds bring different perspectives that align with, and help us serve, our diverse community.